Bugera Trirec Infinium Boutique-Style 100 Watt 3 Channel Valve Amplifier Head


Bugera Trirec Infinium Boutique-Style 100 Watt 3 Channel Valve Amplifier Head||Hand-built and hand-wired 100-Watt Class A/B amplifier driven by 4 x 6L6 valves (convertible to EL34)||Revolutionary INFINIUM Valve Life Multiplier technology – extends the life of your amplifier’s expensive power valves up to 20 times||3 fully independent channels with switchable killer voicings (Classic, Vintage and Modern) featuring 5 x 12AX7 valves||3 unique rectifier modes featuring 2 x 5U4 valves and silicon diodes for ultimate performance||Integrated high class reverb with dedicated Reverb control

SKU: BU039 Category: