With this HOMCOM kids tricycle, you and your child will benefit. Taking them out becomes much easier, thanks to the adjustable push handle ?? you’ll push them along as they sit comfortably, resting their feet on the footrest. kids can also ride the tricycle on their own, which adds to fun ?? it also gives you a break from pushing them. The fully closed wheels ensure their ride is smooth, whilst the handles keep them balanced. When finished, you can fold it in seconds to save space when storing.
- Multifunctional kids tricycle ?? can be used as a pushchair, balance bike, tricycle or bicycle
- Aluminium frame for stability
- Fully enclosed wheels
- Adjustable push handle
- Suitable for ages 1.5-4 years
- Foldable for easy transport and storage
- Maximum load 25kg
- Colour: Yellow
- Material: Aluminium alloy, PP, PA and EVA
- Dimensions: 76.2-98.8H x 101L x 45Wcm. Seat: 31H x 12W x 20Dcm. Push handle bar height: 53-82cm. Recommended age: 1.5-4 years
- Weight capacity: 25kg
- Certification: EN71-1,2,3
- Item label: 370-226V00YL
- 1 x Tricycle
- 1 x Manual